The Post Sentence Authority’s annual report for the 2018-19 financial year is now available.

The report provides information about the operation of the post sentence scheme and how the Authority contributes to the protection of the community through monitoring serious offenders who are subject to post sentence orders.

The report details recent reforms to the management of serious offenders, such as the expansion of the post sentence scheme to include serious violent offenders, and the opening of Rivergum Residential Treatment Centre which delivers intensive treatment to offenders in a therapeutic environment. In her forward, the Authority’s chairperson Michele Williams KC, notes that “the Authority welcomes the opening of this facility and it looks forward to seeing the impact that its treatment model has on the rehabilitation of both serious sex and violent offenders”.

The report outlines the Authority’s key achievements, including the delivery of several community and stakeholder engagements to help raise awareness about the post sentence scheme, and the commencement of an improved process for seeking submissions from registered victims of crime in a way which supports and meaningfully engages with victims.

Data is presented to help illustrate the operation of the post sentence scheme. As of 30 June 2019, there were 134 serious offenders subject to either a supervision order or a detention order. Of these offenders, 128 are serious sex offenders, five are serious violent offenders and one is both a serious sex and serious violent offender.

In 2018-19, the Authority convened 151 meetings to monitor and review these offenders, and it issued 266 directions to offenders to help facilitate their effective management in the community. The Authority also conducted 152 interviews with offenders to discuss compliance and rehabilitation progress against the conditions of their supervision orders.

Post Sentence Authority
Date of Publication

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