Coordination of service delivery to people on Orders
The Multi Agency Panel is responsible for delivering coordinated treatment and rehabilitation services to manage and reduce a person’s risk of reoffending.
The Multi Agency Panel brings together executive delegates from:
- the Department of Justice and Community Safety
- the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing
- the Department of Health
- Victoria Police.
Each agency that forms part of the Multi Agency Panel is committed to the principle of shared responsibility. This involves sharing information, coordinating services and taking steps to resolve any systemic issues relating to service provision for people on orders.
The Multi Agency Panel develops an individualised Coordinated Services Plan for each person on an order, which must be reviewed at least every six months.
What is a Coordinated Services Plan?
A Coordinated Services Plan sets out the tailored services that are planned to be delivered in a coordinated manner to support a person’s management and address their specific risks of reoffending and individual needs.
Coordinated Services Plans ensure transparency and accountability of the services delivered to people on an order. They commonly include strategies for engaging with people in offence-specific and behaviour change treatment programs, obtaining stable and appropriate accommodation, providing mental health supports and drug or alcohol treatment, and supporting access to the National Disability Insurance Scheme. They also include strategies for helping people to build pro-social support networks and, where possible, gain meaningful employment.
We review the coordination of service delivery to people on orders
The Authority reviews Coordinated Services Plans to review their implementation and the delivery of services and can request information about the content of a plan and its progress. If services have not been provided, the Authority has the power to inquire about the cause of delays or impediments to effective service delivery, promoting accountability among the agencies involved in the Multi Agency Panel.
Performance Reporting
The Authority reports on the performance of its functions and powers under the Act to the Minister in the Annual Report. We also publish a range of data about the activity and performance of Victoria’s post sentence scheme.
Below are some examples of the data we publish.
Post sentence orders – Eligibility, applications and orders made
- The number of eligible offenders serving a custodial sentence
- The number of applications made for a Detention Order, an Interim Detention Order and the renewal of Detention Orders
- The number of applications made for a Supervision Order, an Interim Supervision Order and the renewal of Supervision Orders
- The number of offenders in respect of whom a Detention Order or Interim Detention Order was made
- The number of offenders in respect of whom a Supervision Order or an Interim Supervision Order was made
- The number of Detention Orders, Supervision Orders and interim orders completed or revoked during the period.
Post sentence orders – Breaches
- The number of people subject to a Detention Order or an Interim Detention Order who were found guilty or convicted of a relevant offence or a violence offence
- The number of people subject to a Supervision Order or an Interim Supervision Order who were found guilty or convicted of a relevant offence, a violence offence or an offence for breaching a Supervision Order
- Details of any breaches of conditions of a Supervision Order or an Interim Supervision Order by the person and the actions taken by the Authority in respect of those breaches
- The number of prosecutions commenced by the Secretary, the Director of Public Prosecutions or Victoria Police for an offence for breaching a Supervision Order.
Post sentence orders - Conditions and other powers
- The number of people directed to reside in a residential facility
- The number of people in respect of whom an emergency power was exercised
- Details of the number of people who were required to comply with electronic monitoring under a Supervision Order or an Interim Supervision Order
- Details of the exercise of police holding powers, and powers of entry and search.
Multi Agency Panel and responsible agencies
- The number of Coordinated Services Plans developed and agreed for eligible persons
- The number of Coordinated Services Plans developed and agreed for people subject to a Supervision Order or an Interim Supervision Order
- The number of reviews conducted of Coordinated Services Plans
- The number of notices issued to responsible agencies in relation to Coordinated Services Plans under section and the number of responses provided.