The Post Sentence Authority is committed to considering the views of victims of crime registered on the Victims Register when making decisions about serious offenders. The Authority also understands that some victims do not want to receive information about offenders.

When the courts make a supervision order (External link) and set conditions that an offender must follow, it can also enable the Authority to give directions to an offender. These directions help to manage risks of reoffending and can also support treatment and rehabilitation. For example, the Authority may issue directions that stipulate where a serious offender must reside, their curfew hours, or whether they must wear an electronic monitoring device.

The Authority considers the views of registered victims to be an important component of its decision making. When the Authority gives a direction to an offender, it may invite a written submission from the registered victim via the Victims Register. The Authority will then consider this information when deciding whether to give the direction.

The Authority works closely with the Victims Register to ensure that our processes for engaging registered victims are meaningful and informative. The Authority carefully considers all submissions from registered victims, and it aims to ensure that, to the extent possible, their views are considered as part of its decision making. The Authority also provides relevant feedback and information to registered victims via the Victims Register following decisions made once a proposed direction has been considered.

The Authority can only provide information to victims registered on the Victims Register. For more information about the Victims Register, visit the Victims of Crime website (External link), email (External link), or call the Victims of Crime Helpline on 1800 819 817 and ask for the Victims Register.